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Today's one of OMAKASE

「だし巻きたまご」 "DASHIMAKI TAMAGO" Japanese omelet made with dashi broth

Today's Special Lunch

「クリスマスプレート」 ハンバーグマッシュルームソース、ポテトサラダ、海老フライ、カニクリームコロッケタルタルソース、ドレッシングサラダ "Christmas plate" Hamburger steak with mushroom sauce, potato salad,...

Today's one of OMAKASE

「鶏の照り焼きロースト」 "TORI TERIYAKI ROUST" Roasted chicken original teriyaki sauce

Today's Lunch Speaial

今日のランチ 「サーモンの炭火塩焼き定食」 "SYAKE SUMIBI SHIOYAKI TEISYOKU" Charcoal-grilled salted salmon set menu.

Today's Lunch Speaial

和風生ハムパスタ柚子風味 「WAHUU NAMAHAM PASTA YUZU」 "Japanese-style homemade prosciutto pasta yuzu flavor"

Today's Lunch Speaial

今日のランチ 「鶏天たまごとじ丼」 "TORITEN TAMAGOTOJI DON" Rice dynburi bowl with tempura chicken and eggs original sweet soysauce.

Today's Lunch Speaial

海老のかき揚げ "EBI KAKIAGE" Prawn and vegetable TEMPURA fritter

Today's Lunch Speaial

今日のランチは 「特製とん平焼き」 "TONPEI-YAKI" Teppanyaki dish of meat and vegetables, etc. rolled in an omelette and covered in original sauce and...

Today's Lunch Speaial

特製 カレーポテトコロッケ 30個限定 KAREI KOROKKE 「Japanese curry potato croquette」 limited number

Today's Lunch Special

手作り餃子 「GYOUZA」 handmade pan fried gyoza (dumplings)

Today's Lunch Special

なつかし ナポリタン スパゲティ NAPORITAN SUPA It tastes just like original tomato sause "Napolitan spaghetti" from a old Japanese coffee shop!

Today's Lunch Special

特製ロースカツ丼 KATSU DON / deep-fried pork cutlet and eggs rice bowl with spesial sauce

Today's one of OMAKASE

酢豚  SUBUTA / stir-fried with special sweet sour pork and vegetables

Today's Lunch Special

炭焼き鶏つくね  TORI TSUKUNE Charcoal-grilled chicken meatballs

Today's Lunch Special

KATSU YAKISOBA /chicken cutlet on the stir-fried yakisoba noodles seasoned with original savory sauce 特製 チキンカツ焼きそば...

Today's one of OMAKASE

海老パン EBI PAN / Crispy fried bread spread with a rich, plump shrimp paste.

Today's one of OMAKASE

地元産牡蠣の生姜煮 "local grown Oysters with gnger soy sauce"

Today's one of OMAKASE

かばちゃのスープ Pumpkin soup

one of OMAKASE dish

揚げだし豆腐 AGE DASHI TOFU "Deep-friedcrispy TOFU in a DASHI Soy-sauce"

Today's one of OMAKASE

イカのてんぷら Squid ball tempura

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